Berbice teen accused of sexually molesting two boys

Police are investigating allegations that a Berbice teenager, who is a school dropout, has sexually molested two boys who are both nine years old.
The incident is alleged to have been committed in the Upper Corentyne area.
Guyana Times International understands that the boys were forced to perform oral sex on the school dropout, whose age was given as 13.
It is alleged that the suspect is a school dropout who would wander the streets and lure students smaller than him to a secluded area and force them to perform sexual acts on him.
Reports are that the two nine-year-olds were questioned about the issue and provided some information to an adult who contacted the parents.
Both of the boys were taken to be medically examined and this publication was informed that the medical examiner found that there was no sexual penetration. However, based on the detailed description that both of the boys gave as to what transpired, the Police were called in and have begun to investigate.
Reports are that the 13-year-old works as a labourer in the vicinity of a market on the Corentyne. (Andrew Carmichael)

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